Growth can be playful and effortless.
The Marlen Wehner Academy® is a stimulating learning environment for excellent leaders and effective teams.
Do you know that feeling when… ?
... leading a team feels stressful and exhausting.
... the growth of the company comes to a standstill.
... tried–and–true methods no longer work.
... rigid structures are paralyzing the business.
... great minds and valuable knowledge are leaving the company.
... cases of illness are increasing.
... conflicts (both open and hidden) dominate daily life.
... silos and a mindset of competition start to emerge.
... blame is being placed instead of finding solutions.
... doubt in everything is growing.
... unrealistic salary demands are piling up.
... fear of change is spreading.
Marlen Wehner Academy®
The foundation for excellent leadership and effective teams is a motivating culture within the company.
The following topics are part of every training session:
Generations in Dialogue, Effective Feedback, Positive Mindset, Intercultural Competence, Resilience
Young Leaders
I, as a leader
Would you like to learn more about the Young Leaders Program?
Leaders Excellence
Führung auf höchstem Niveau
Would you like to learn more about the Leaders Excellence Program?
Team Work
Together is better than alone!
Would you like to learn more about the Team Work Program?
"I create stimulating worlds where people can be themselves, allowing them to playfully grow beyond their limits and radiate this awareness into the world."

I utilize my diverse expertise from studies, further education, and international experience in the fields of psychology, leadership, and group dynamics to create stimulating environments.
Through targeted workshops, interactive experiences, and tailored coaching sessions, I enable people to be authentic and to learn playfully.
My high level of methodological competence allows me to develop innovative and impactful approaches that are tailored to the individual needs of the participants. I employ techniques such as experiential learning, group work, and reflection exercises to foster both personal and collective growth, ensuring that the knowledge gained is applied directly.
The people I guide carry their strengthened self-confidence radiantly into the world.

Leaders developed
Countries worldwide
Still unsure if the
Marlen Wehner Academy®
delivers what it promises?
Here’s your
Emergency Kit for Leadership Questions

Take advantage of your tailored trial session with direct answers to your most pressing leadership questions.
Experience immediate results in just 2-4 hours live!
The coffee is ready!
My value promise is:
With empathy and a lighthearted sense of humor, she successfully develops positive leadership, high-performing teams, and thus better companies in a playful way.
Intrinsische Motive sind der Motor erfolgreicher Unternehmen.
Ich bin davon überzeugt, das Menschen, die mit ihrem Arbeitsplatz positive Emotionen verbinden, produktiver und motivierter sind.
Die wissenschaftliche Basis dafür ist PERMA.
Ich bin nur dann erfolgreich, wenn meine Kunden erfolgreich sind.
Ich möchte, dass meine Kunden umsetzen und nicht nur wissen, wie es gehen könnte.
Kreativität ist die Quelle für neue Perspektiven und ergebnisorientierte, innovative Lösungen.
Für mich ist Kreativität die Grundlage für persönliche Entwicklung und gehirngerechtes Lernen.
In kurzweiligen Prozessen und mit inspirierenden Impulsen ermutige ich Menschen, die eigenen Grenzen hinter sich zu lassen.
Gemeinsam ist man größer als allein.
Ich bin stets Teil der Gruppe und lebe diese Haltung aktiv vor.
Damit lege ich den Grundstein für gelingende Zusammenarbeit innerhalb und außerhalb des Trainings.
Humor ist mein stärkster Charakterzug.
Ich schaffe sichere Umgebungen, in denen Menschen entspannt und spielerisch Ziele erreichen, die vorher unerreichbar schienen.
Humor verbindet und ist die Basis für motiviertes und erfolgreiches Lernen.
An investment that pays off measurably.
Convincing results from day one.
Clearly structured training programs.
Knowledge transfer with direct practical application.
High motivation through inspiring learning environments.